It’s always exciting when you think about adding a new member to the family and in this case, a kitten! Before you take the leap it’s important to make sure you really think it through and consider certain things before you bring the new kitten home. Costs involved Before you even think about getting a…
Tips for keeping your home safe at Christmas
Christmas is only a few weeks away and unfortunately this means that there is more and more crime happening and thefts in residential areas. People know that it’s time to do Christmas shopping and that homes will have extra items laying around somewhere. With that in mind you might want to do a few things…
How to look after garden wildlife in winter
Winter isn’t that far away now and the nights especially are starting to get colder. This means that it’s time to get our home and gardens in order. Here are a few ways to look after garden wildlife in winter. Tidy the garden To start with having a good tidy up in the garden before…
5 ways to keep your family home organised
No matter what size your family is, how many children you have or even how big your home is, organisation can often be a bit of an issue. With us all having busy lives some of the little (and the big) things can get missed and our homes can end up messy and disorganised. Here…
How to keep your home safe in winter
Summer is officially over and it’s quickly getting colder and colder each day. It’s time to think about keeping our homes safe over winter and here some ideas of things you can do in advance.